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日期:2020-10-23 00:00:00 阅读量:0






1、 重视标题及首段中的主旨句----这主要是让我们了解文章在写一个什么事物,什么现象,或者是什么原理,历史等等。


2、 重视每一段的第一句----托福阅读和写作一样,foreigner一般都很喜欢总分的结构,先给出一个general point,再用相关的detailexample来解释和证明。所以绝大多数情况下,每一段的第一句就是这一段的核心意思。而且最后六选三的正确选项,肯定会有1-2个是对这些中心句的paraphrase




3、 重视作者展开每一段的写作思路。段落的类型基本上可以分为两种类型,单一型和复合型



   In addition to dairy farming and cultivating industrial crops, a third sector of the Dutch economy reflected the way in which agriculture was being modernized--horticulture.In the sixteenth century, fruit and vegetables were to be found only in gardens belonging to wealthy people. This changed in the early part of the seventeenth century when horticulture became accepted as an agricultural sector.Whole villages began to cultivate fruit and vegetables.The produce was then transported by water to markets in the cities, where the consumption of fruit and vegetables was no longer restricted to the wealthy.




In the 1970s when the study of Australian archaeology was in an exciting phase of development, with the great antiquity of rock art becoming clear. Lesley Maynard the archaeologist who coined the phrase "Panaramitee style," suggested that a sequence could be determined far Australian rock art in which a geometric style gave way to a simple figurative style (outlines of figures and animals), followed by a range of complex figurative styles that, unlike the pan-Australian geometric tradition tended to much greater regional diversity. While accepting that this sequence fits the archaeological profile of Those sites, which were occupied continuously ever many thousands of years a number of writers have warned that the underlying assumption of such a sequence-a development from the simple and the geometric to the complex and naturalistic-obscures the cultural continuities in Aboriginal Australia in which geometric symbolism remains  fundamentally important. In this context the simplicity of a geometric motif may be more apparent than real. Motifs of seeming simplicity can encode complex meanings in Aboriginal Australia. And has not twentieth-century art shown that naturalism does not necessarily follow abstraction in some kind of predetermined sequence?


这种复合型的段落同学们在读的时候一定要耐心,理出这一段的写作思路。LM这个人首先推翻了自己在上一段当中提出的P style,认为以几何元素即 P style应该给figurative style让路。 之后一些writers认为这个推翻是不合理的,认为几何的这个规律还是很重要很正确的。第三部分还是反对LM的观点。所以这一段没有一个单一的意思,而是观点之间的转换,同学们在看这些长段的时候注意段落的展开思路,这对于我们找对应信息,提高做题的准确率都是有帮助的。



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